41. Lipstick
Lipstick brings out your lips (duh) and there are just so many fun colors! I just love it with a little gloss on top, blot and you're good to go!

42. Pine Cove
Pine Cove is a christian camp located in East Texas. I worked out there for three years and it changed my life. I had the opportunity to pour into kiddos and families (I worked at a Family Camp) by having devos with them, worshipping with them, playing games with them and just living out Jesus to them by service. It was an amazing experience and it shaped me into the woman I am today!

43. Costa Rica
I had the opportunity to go to Costa Rica the summer after my junior year in college with Pine Cove. We went there to teach the Tican people how to share Jesus and put on camps. Afterwards, we met with the other Costa Rican team to debrief at an undisclosed location. When we got there THIS was where we were at... Los Lagos Resort at the base of an active volcano. Coolest.thing.ever.

44. Scentsy
I received my zebra scentsy warmer last year on my birthday! I have used it everyday since then! When you have 7 year olds coming in from PE and outside throughout the day you need a booster so scentsy helps my room smell good--even when my kiddos DON'T!

45. Snow Cones
Nothing says summer like a snow cone. The best snow cones I ever had were Bahama Bucks snow cones. I worked at this "gourmet shaved ice and smoothie shop" my sophomore year of college. I was not a fan of the job but the snow cones were bangin'! My favorites were Bahama Mama (add ice cream to the bottom) Strawberry Daiquiri snow cone or a Kahlua and Cream snow cone. Yummy!

46. Smiling
I love smiling.... smiling's my favorite!!

47. Lotion
Lotion.... not only does it make you smell good but it makes you silky smooth as well!

48. Toms
Toms shoes are amazing. they are comfortable, cute and when you buy a pair they send another pair to a child impoverished in a third world country! It is just such a great cause and so close to my heart!

49. Hobby Lobby
Crafts make me happy. So where is the BEST place to get all the things you need for crafts? Well Hobby Lobby of course... plus they are closed on Sundays which isn't always convenient but shows there are still businesses that show that the Lord said to rest on the Sabbath so they won't make anyone work on those days!

50. Reality TV
The Hills, The Bachelor, The City, Laguna Beach.... I love these shows. I think it is because I get to live vicariously through them. yes they aren't always the best role models but I am obsessed!

Pine Cove makes the list before SuperSummer does? Ridiculous.