21. Snow
Snow. Snoow. Snooow. Snooooow. Just like the wonderful words of Bing Crosby. I love snow. This year we have had a lot more snow (5 missed days of school worth)...and even though I got tired of being stuck inside.... it was still pretty!
22. Love
Some may call me a dreamer... but I'd like to refer to myself as a hopeless romantic. I know the Lord continues to orchestrate my life and that includes the man that will captivate my heart here in my temporary home! I can't wait until he comes--but until then--I will just have to put my trust in the Lord and the hope of that day!

23. Basketball
My life in high school was basketball. Thats who I was, what I was known for and what made me "ME" in high school. #15 was a number that became a nickname for me and helped shape and identify my athleticism. I also enjoy watching the Mavs. And I enjoy when the Mavs BEAT the dumb Spurs!

24. Pedicures
Guilty pleasures. Everyone has one-- this is one of mine! I haven't had one in awhile but when I do get one... ahhh life is good!

25. Flowers
Flowers make a room brighter. I feel so special when I get flowers. I don't care if they are from a student or from a boy (ok so that one is a little better) I just light up when I receive them.

26. Rain
Rain is so relaxing. I love how its dark outside when it rains. All I want to do is cuddle up in bed and listen to the rain and sleep on rainy days! Its the best.

27. Cheesecake
You want to make me happy? Then make me cheesecake. Or buy me cheesecake. Or give me a gift card to go to get cheesecake. Point is.... Cheesecake is amazing. It makes me happy and I could eat it everyday.

28. Christmas
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!! The music, the atmosphere, the lights, the treats... and of course the Savior who came and was born to save us from our sins and allow us to live for eternity with Him in heaven! I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS!

29. Quoting Movies/Guess that Star
I love quoting movies. My sisters and my good friends will give a quote from a movie and say "guess what movie that's off of?" I have a gift. The gift is that I can see someone in a movie/TV Show and remember what they've been in before that. It will actually ruin what I am watching until I figure it out. It's weird I know-- It's just how I am programmed!

30. Laughing
I think that laughing is one of my favorite things. I love the way it makes you feel and the joy it brings to your heart. But for me.... I love MAKING people laugh even more!

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