11. Weddings
Weddings are so fun. They allow you to dress up and celebrate the love of two people. This summer I will be in my seventh wedding! Thats right--I have been in six already. I was in three last summer alone... two were in the same weekend! haha I am hard core... I know this! I often get asked "have you ever seen the movie '27 Dresses'?" Yes I have... no it isn't about me! haha

12. Journaling
My secret thoughts. My utmost desires. My sincerest prayers. They are embedded in the pages of my many journals. I have a shelf full of used up journals. It is awesome to go back and read what I used to be worried about, what I was going through and how the Lord answered my pleas! It encourages me to push forward and reassures me of the growth in Him!

13. Reading
This was not always the case. I had never been a big reader until reading Redeeming Love, which I have read like 7 times! Then, after I graduated I subbed for a semester and I found myself with a lot of extra time--so I turned to reading! Since then I have been obsessed... I just wish I had more time to truly enjoy it like I would like to!

14. Bling Bling
Bling makes me smile! I wear it on my jewelry, toe nails and anywhere else I can get it! It just makes me happier!

15. Zebra
Walk into my classroom and this one becomes very evident! The cool thing is because I have so much zebra stuff, now I get zebra things as gifts all the time!! So fun!

16. Leading Worship
Early I mentioned loving to sing. However, to take that even deeper, I love leading worship! I can be at church, at a conference or church camp. It doesn't matter what my surroundings are. All that matters is what I am doing-- which is guiding people to the foot of our Beloved's throne! It is just a sweet opportunity to be used as a tool to lead people into the Lord's presence!!

17. Face Masks
If you know me then you know about face masks. I am addicted to them! It just feels so nice and its just a guilt little pleasure of mine! If you ever want to do one let me know... that is if I haven't made you do one with me already!! ha

18. Dental Health
Brushing my teeth isn't just a good habit. It is kinda an obsession. I am constantly afraid that my breath stinks and so I brush my teeth often. I also really really REALLY like Listerine. Not the new non-alcoholic kind... bring on the burn baby!

19. Gum
There is a little thing called having an oral fixation and I have it. When I was younger I sucked my thumb for a long time. Now that void is met by gum chewing. I go through about three packs a week people. If you remember up on 18 I also freak out that my breath smells bad so that is a huge part. But its more than that--for instance, I can't work out without gum in my mouth, and when I don't have it I feel weird or lost. Oh and fruity or cinnamon gum is not for me... I am purely a Wintergreen or Mint gal!

20. Pictures
I always have my camera and I love taking pictures. I have about three or four scrapbooks. I just think it captures your memories a little better and they are fun to look back on and remember what was going on!

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