Thursday, August 1, 2013

Proverbs 22:6

There are many things I am passionate about. If you have ever read my blog you know that one of those things is Africa... obviously. haha Another thing is camp ministry... I worked as a summer staffer at a camp from 16-22 years old. Half of that time was at Camp Copass in Denton and the other part was at Pine Cove Christian Camps in Tyler. Both allowed me to love on people and share Jesus with them. So that kinda of threw me into this next thing that the Lord has really laid on my heart.... teenage girls. I love pouring into this age. They are so impressionable and so eager to know and learn and grow. When I was in college I would work D-Now's and loved getting to meet new girls, hear their stories and encourage and help lead them. When I moved back to Midlo to student teach I lived at home and went to church with my family. Because there wasn't anyone really my age at my parent's church, I began working with the youth. I taught Sunday school and lead worship on Wednesday nights. I loved it... I was able to hang out with and encourage these girls who were only a few years younger than me, but looked up to me. I eventually started a Junior/Senior bible study and invited these girls over weekly to do life with them. I looooved it. This grew my heart for not only high school girls.... but the ones getting ready to move on to a new season of life.

Flash forward a few years and I am back working with youth. More specifically, Junior/Senior girls. It is just such an incredible blessing. These girls love Jesus and want to know Him more. They want to know what they need to do to experience Him fully and deeply. They long to know His word and breathe it. They see need around them and are in tune with the solution only resulting in Jesus. They yearn to love well and like their Savior. I am blown away by their desire to be captivated wholly by their Beloved.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."    -Proverbs 22:6

::Lord, let me love well. Break my heart for what breaks Yours and in doing so radiate Your goodness in everything I say and do. Allow me to be a vessel that leads others to You. Let my actions and speech be edifying and let my girls know that I love like You... without judgement or stipulations. God... my girls are so important to me. Use me to lead them to Your throne and let me be humbled and sanctified while doing so. ::

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