51. My First Class
My classes will all mean so much to me. Every year they will be different and unique and give me something I need to learn from. However, I will always hold a special place in my heart for my first class!
52. N'SYNC
Oh be still my heart. These boys were my first loves... especially Justin! That platinum blonde hair just threw me into a frenzy!

53. Blogging
I've always been a journaler but blogging is a new way to get out what I am going through or want to get off my chest! I have only been doing it for a few months but so far I love it!

54. Angel
My puppy Angel is the best dog ever. She is 14 years old and still kickin'! She has gone through so much--she has been attacked by a coyote, has had numerous strokes and illnesses and now she has a cancerous tumor. She is such a fighter and I will be so upset the one day she can't hold on any longer! :(
55. Super Summer
I never experienced Super Summer until two years ago. It is an amazing christian leadership camp that helps mold men and women for Christ! This kid below is one of my FAVORITE Super Summer campers. His name is Jared Josefy and when I have a son I want him to grow up and be just like JJ!

56. Samoas Girl Scout Cookies
These babies are dangerous.... best.cookies.ever.

57. My Team
I have been so incredibly blessed by my amazing team!

58. The Texas Rangers
I have always been a Rangers fan... since I was a little girl, summers meant going to watch Texas play at the Ballpark in Arlington! After last year, everything got a little more exciting when the Rangers made it to the World Series! This year we are going to repeat that trip and WIN IT ALL!
59. Sprinkles Cupcakes
These cupcakes are banging and they are so good. I don't have them often but when I do it is magical!

60. PINK
I love this color! It is just so fun and girly!

I was definitely stalking your blog since I haven't in a while---your picture and definition of Super Summer made me laugh out loud. I love you!