Monday, April 25, 2011

100 Things: Part Eight

71. Lindsay Leigh Springer Rose

This girl has been my best friend since she came into the world a week after I was born. She has seen me at my best and my worst and has supported and loved me through it all! So blessed by her!
72. Hillsong

Whether worshipping in concert, at church or in my room at home--I LOVE HILLSONG! They are saturated in Jesus' love and want to pour it out for everyone to experience!
73. Jeans

Nothing's better than a good fitting pair of jeans!

Making people feel special is one of my favorite things to do! I enjoy setting up surprise parties or dinners to bring attention to someone's special day or achievements! Try to make someone feel important today and see if it doesn't make you feel better!
75. Airplanes

The first time I went on an airplane I was 21 and headed to Costa Rica. Since then, I have only been 2 other times: once was to go to a friend's wedding in West Texas and one time was to go on a mission trip to Hawaii. I will be taking my fourth voyage on this flying device in exactly two months from today when I head to Africa! That means that three out of the four times I have been on a plane will be because of missions!
76. Mexican Food

Mexican food is so good. You can't live in Texas and not like Mexican food! It is the perfect place to go grab some good grubbin, a cold drink and just get to talking! Love it!
77. My New iphone

I just got an iphone and it is dangerously fun! I love having anything I need at my fingertips!
72. Hillsong

When you're a teacher you understand how helpful these things are. Yesterday after school my roommate and I both feel asleep from about 5-7. When you hang out with kiddos all day long you get exhausted!!

79. Words of Encouragement

Girls love encouragement! I am a words of affirmation person so things like this make my day amazing!
80. Beth Moore

Do you want to know what a woman after God's own heart looks like? What a true modern day Proverbs 31 is? Then look at Beth Moore! She is a woman who fears the Lord and loves Him whole heartedly. She also desires for each and every one of us to know Him like she does. She is legit!

Monday, April 18, 2011

100 Things: Part Seven

61. My First 5K

I recently ran my first 5K. It was the David Milson Legacy Run. I hate running but I did it for the man who touched so many lives through his love for people and the Lord. I may try to actually train for and attempt to do well in one! We'll see.... PS: I love how joyful and happy Jennifer and I look in this picture. That's because we had only been running about 30 seconds! haha
62. Headbands

These have become a fun new accessory that I enjoy wearing. They bring a little funk to my style... I am beginning to make and collect them for all different outfits!
63. Sponsoring a Child

I sponsor a precious little boy from Lesotho, Africa. His name is Nkuyane and he has captured my heart. If you feel the Lord leading you to sponsor a precious child who has next to nothing please go visit World Vision and lend your support! It is completely worth it!
63. Channing Tatum

There are no words to describe this beauty... but I'll try. He is gorgeous.
64. Dancing

I love dancing. It started out getting pumped up for basketball, then it was the activity in college and now I dance around the classroom with 1st graders to get our wiggles out. Dancing is so fun for me and I get excited when I know I will be at a wedding or event where it is encouraged!
65. Chocolate and Birthdays

Ok so I love birthday and chocolate and this one is kinda random just because I saw this amazing cake and had to add it! This eleven year old was in heaven when she saw this I am sure!
66. Texts

Getting texts that are encouraging are always fun to receive... especially if its from someone special!!
67. Movie Dates with YOURSELF

A new thing I have realized I enjoy is going to the movies by myself! If you don't have a date-- take yourself out on one. No one will talk to you in the middle of the flick, try to hold your hand if you don't want them to or steal your snack. It truly is beneficial! haha
68. Swedish Fish

Mmmmm.... so good and 0 grams of fat! Yummy!
69. Colorful Sharpies

The bright colors just make me want to draw or design something!
70. Sunglasses

I kinda hit that on accessories but I love sunglasses. The bigger the better. My favorite pair were given to me from a grandma. So they were literally old people sunglasses that I thought were just so chic!

Friday, April 8, 2011

100 Things: Part Six

51. My First Class

My classes will all mean so much to me. Every year they will be different and unique and give me something I need to learn from. However, I will always hold a special place in my heart for my first class!
52. N'SYNC

Oh be still my heart. These boys were my first loves... especially Justin! That platinum blonde hair just threw me into a frenzy!
53. Blogging

I've always been a journaler but blogging is a new way to get out what I am going through or want to get off my chest! I have only been doing it for a few months but so far I love it!
54. Angel

My puppy Angel is the best dog ever. She is 14 years old and still kickin'! She has gone through so much--she has been attacked by a coyote, has had numerous strokes and illnesses and now she has a cancerous tumor. She is such a fighter and I will be so upset the one day she can't hold on any longer! :(
55. Super Summer

I never experienced Super Summer until two years ago. It is an amazing christian leadership camp that helps mold men and women for Christ! This kid below is one of my FAVORITE Super Summer campers. His name is Jared Josefy and when I have a son I want him to grow up and be just like JJ!
56. Samoas Girl Scout Cookies

These babies are dangerous.... best.cookies.ever.
57. My Team

I have been so incredibly blessed by my amazing team!
58. The Texas Rangers

I have always been a Rangers fan... since I was a little girl, summers meant going to watch Texas play at the Ballpark in Arlington! After last year, everything got a little more exciting when the Rangers made it to the World Series! This year we are going to repeat that trip and WIN IT ALL!

59. Sprinkles Cupcakes

These cupcakes are banging and they are so good. I don't have them often but when I do it is magical!
60. PINK

I love this color! It is just so fun and girly!

Monday, April 4, 2011

When one door closes...

I am going to take a break from my 100 things and write about something that my heart is learning right now. I am stubborn. If you know me... you probably know this to be true. Another word for stubborn is PRIDEFUL! Ouch... I am not a fan of that word. Prideful is an ugly word that no one likes to be called. But thats what I am.

A few weeks ago in church we learned that we so often pray "Bless me, Bless me, Bless me..." When in reality we should be praying, "CRUSH me, BRUISE me, BREAK me..." Can I get another "ouch" on that one? Why on earth would we want to pray to be crushed and bruised and broken? I struggled with this for awhile because I don't like pain and discomfort-- I like nice, comfortable and pleasant situations! But I came to realize a few things that I am going to let you in on...

FIRST... when we are broken and bruised and crushed we are incapable of taking care of ourselves. This means that we have no other hope except in Jesus. He is the author of our lives and when we have that brokenness then we will stop reaching to snatch the pen away from Him and allow Him to write out His will for our lives. We should be humbled to "let go and let God". That is hard for me... along with my pride issues I have control issues (which is a pride issue as well). Its hard for me to let go and give it all to the Lord. But when I don't that is like me saying "I don't think you can handle it", or "I don't like your plans". It is arrogant and ridiculous. Because Jesus, the creator or all things good and perfect, is the best one to orchestrate the everything!

SECOND... being the stubborn gal that I am I don't give up easily. If I get my mind on something then I am unable to stop thinking about it or wanting it. This can be anything from a car, to a boy, to a job.... anything. Here is the great/hard part though-- sometimes MY plan and will for my life is not JESUS'S plan and will for my life. So He may take gently tug at me and whisper softly... "Steph, I have something so much better for you baby girl. Let go of this and you will get something else. Give me these dime store pearls and I will give you genuine ones!" And sometimes he has to slam the door in my face, and say "Stephanie Marie Daniell... this is NOT for you young lady. You are NOT going to get this because it would NOT be beneficial for you.!" However, in both situations He usually is showing me grace and getting those out of my life because on my own there is no way I would have been able/would want to get rid of those things.

There is a thing called "loving violence" that I experience a lot! My pastor Rodney put it perfectly... Let's say you went to a doctor and they said "You have cancer. It's bad-- BUT if you take this one little pill then it will go away and you'd be fine." What would you do? You may take it... or you may say, "This isn't the best for me. That is poison. That is harmful and deadly and gross and I won't do it." And with that, you ran away. That is your choice. But what if it was your child that was diagnosed and given the pill. If they ran away what would you do? You probably wouldn't say, "crazy kid--oh well. It's her body you know!" You would run after her and do whatever you could to get that pill down her throat. Pry her mouth open-- break a few teeth to have an opening--whatever was necessary right? That is the "loving violence" I am talking about. Because even though you don't want to hurt the child you love more than anything., if it meant saving their lives you would put them though some discomfort to protect them. That's how the Lord is. He doesn't desire us, His creatures, to be in pain. However, He loves us so abundantly that He would rather us be in uncomfortable, painful and sometimes miserable situations so that down the road there will be growth and goodness that comes from it! He is so wise.... I fall on my face in awe of HIM!

Friday, April 1, 2011

My New Business

My talented sister designed my logo! I absolutely love it... it was better than I envisioned! Thanks seester!

I started selling canvases to go to Africa and love it so much... here is a few of my canvases! message me if you would like to buy one! Prices are at the bottom of the page! Enjoy!

Sizes and Prices:

11x14- $25.00
8x24- $30.00
12x16- $35.00
22x28- $50.00

Add bling to your canvas for an additional $5.00!