71. Lindsay Leigh Springer Rose
This girl has been my best friend since she came into the world a week after I was born. She has seen me at my best and my worst and has supported and loved me through it all! So blessed by her!

72. Hillsong
Whether worshipping in concert, at church or in my room at home--I LOVE HILLSONG! They are saturated in Jesus' love and want to pour it out for everyone to experience!

73. Jeans
Nothing's better than a good fitting pair of jeans!

Making people feel special is one of my favorite things to do! I enjoy setting up surprise parties or dinners to bring attention to someone's special day or achievements! Try to make someone feel important today and see if it doesn't make you feel better!

75. Airplanes
The first time I went on an airplane I was 21 and headed to Costa Rica. Since then, I have only been 2 other times: once was to go to a friend's wedding in West Texas and one time was to go on a mission trip to Hawaii. I will be taking my fourth voyage on this flying device in exactly two months from today when I head to Africa! That means that three out of the four times I have been on a plane will be because of missions!

76. Mexican Food
Mexican food is so good. You can't live in Texas and not like Mexican food! It is the perfect place to go grab some good grubbin, a cold drink and just get to talking! Love it!

77. My New iphone
I just got an iphone and it is dangerously fun! I love having anything I need at my fingertips!

72. Hillsong
When you're a teacher you understand how helpful these things are. Yesterday after school my roommate and I both feel asleep from about 5-7. When you hang out with kiddos all day long you get exhausted!!
79. Words of Encouragement
Girls love encouragement! I am a words of affirmation person so things like this make my day amazing!
80. Beth Moore
Do you want to know what a woman after God's own heart looks like? What a true modern day Proverbs 31 is? Then look at Beth Moore! She is a woman who fears the Lord and loves Him whole heartedly. She also desires for each and every one of us to know Him like she does. She is legit!