-When getting on to my class for their excessive talking I said the rest of the work time would be done in silence. I then told them that if anyone talked from this point on that they would pull their color and lose their sticker for the day. Just then one of my "talkative children" said 'but what if we have something funny to say'? I heard a gasp come from all of my kids as I whipped my head around at him and gave him the scariest teacher glare ever seen. Just then one of my students jumped up and said "cue dramatic piano: dun dun dun dunnnnn!!" I burst into laughter and my entire discipline speech few out the window.
-Every week when getting our new spelling words we practice using them in sentences on a assignment we do. I began with the word seen. "Who can use that in a sentence?" I asked. "Yes, Bella?" "Seen. Have you seen my puppy?" Bella asked. "Good I said as I wrote the sentence down on the board. "Ok," I began, "the next word is cute. Who can tell me a sentence with 'cute' in it?" "Yes, Evan?" "Cute," Evan said very confidently, "Miss Daniell is really cute!!" I turned around super fast to see a little boy, red as a tomato, and to hear the entire class erupt into laughter. "OK...", I said, "that was a good one but I am just going to move on."
-During morning calendar I teach my kiddos Spanish. One of my boys screamed out, "WOW Miss Daniell... you are really good at Spanish. You sound just like my friend's mom and she's a REAL Mexican!" Ohhh no...that's not politically okay to say young 6 year old! haha
-"Ms. Daniell... one day I was riding in the car with my mom and dad down the higway. Then, I saw bluebonnets and I jumped out of the car and picked one. As soon as I did all the cops showed up because its against the law. Then they took me to ju-bee!" Laughing I asked, "you mean juvy?" She said, "ya kids can't go to real jail Miss Daniell...." "Ohh", I said, "that's a crazy story!" "I know...I AM CRAZY Miss Daniell!"
-"Miss Daniell...you just have no idea how complicated life is until you start school...especially first grade!" Laughing I said, "oh baby...you just wait!" haha
**I loved my first class and will forever have them in my heart! 14 days until school starts!**
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